Alternative Therapies

In the quest for optimal health, the focus often lands on exercise and medical treatments, but nutrition plays an equally vital role, particularly in ...

The Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (commonly referred to as the DASH Diet) is the standard-of-care diet recommendation for blood pressure (BP) ...

Healthy lifestyle choices can provide both immediate and long-lasting benefits. But it can be hard to know where to start. In this article, we’ll cover 6 ...

Your health and your gut health are closely tied. The trillions of bacteria that line your GI tract contribute to your immune system, you brain’s ...

The Holidays from Thanksgiving through Christmas is traditionally a time to gather with family and friends over food, isn’t always a time of good ...

Making changes to your lifestyle can be incredibly difficult–especially when it means giving up the things you enjoy. But with a little bit of guidance ...

Sea otters hold hands when they sleep so they don’t drift apart from each other. Find that kind of sweet comfort with this melatonin formula. ...

If you’ve ever suffered from eczema, you already know you’ll do almost anything to stop the itch. While it’s a chronic condition with no known cure, ...

Many of us feel a strong need to make changes that will bring more happiness into our lives. But how do we make changes that will last? Gratitude ...

Everyone’s lives are extremely busy and maintaining a consistent sleep schedule that works for you and your routine can be difficult. Some people are ...

Humann, an industry leader in functional food and nutritional supplements for human health is pleased to announce its newest product, ...

You’ve probably heard about the importance of having a healthy gut. But what is gut health, what makes a gut healthy vs. unhealthy? Read on to find ...