Mindfulness Information & Articles |

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Have you ever wondered, “Is stress making me sick?” The truth is, 60 to 80 percent of all doctor’s office visits might be linked to stress, according to one study.  Stress is more than a Read More


Who doesn’t love a good massage? It’s one of the most relaxing experiences you can treat yourself to. But did you know it can also have a tangible, positive impact on your mental and physical Read More

It can be easy to get overwhelmed during the holidays. There is so much stress with possible traveling, buying gifts, having family in town, etc. While you may look to holiday movie binges or an Read More


As the holiday season quickly approaches, your mental to-do list is already growing. Meals, decorations, parties, gifts, and more all run through your head. This plunge into busyness and hectic schedules doesn’t need to ruin Read More

As we officially enter the holiday season, anxiety can become palpable. Between changes in routine, visiting family or having them visit you, the holidays can be emotionally overwhelming and stressful for children and adults alike. Questions Read More


What will your Thanksgiving look like in the new normal this year? From the traditions you’ve heard of before to the more creative options, there’s something for everyone. The most important thing to remember is Read More

A secret benefit for expressing gratitude.

Expressing gratitude has become trendy; these days, you can easily find a stock of gratitude journals and notebooks at your local stationery store or bookseller, or search for tips on how to express gratitude in Read More


Most people think that it takes months, or even years, to see the benefits of a lifestyle change. Well, nothing could be further from the truth! In fact, many lifestyle changes can yield noticeable, even Read More


Meditation is an essential part of finding a harmonious way to live with yourself and those around you. For many, it can often be hard to find the proper location to meditate, often finding their Read More


Happiness is a state of mind that we all aim to achieve, but modern life has led us to be in crisis about what will make us happy. We are relentlessly bombarded with messages that Read More

Mindfulness is the state of being more present and aware of what you sense, feel and experience. It’s a great way to cope with stress and relax. Researchers are exploring the effects of diet, exercise, age, psychological stress, and other factors on the immune response, both in animals and in humans. In the meantime, general healthy-living strategies like mindfulness make sense, the practice comes with other proven health benefits.

Practicing gratitude is a good antidote for stress as well. In studies, burned-out healthcare workers who performed acts of gratitude — such as remembering three good things or writing gratitude letters — reported positive effects on their well-being after a few weeks.

Throughout our days we tend to notice more things that are not going well and pay little attention to positive moments. We are likely to feel better when, in the midst of a hectic day, we recognize and remind ourselves about all the gifts we have in life.


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